Sunday, March 27, 2011

Betty on the Internet

You have a new friend request! Who’s added you on Facebook?
Well you have 1 mutual friend, Abdusah Sadahmale, another who added you a while ago, so you add them, why not!

But it’s these situations where you’ve allowed possibly anyone, a key into your whole world. Access to photos, information, friends, posts, interests, so many facts about you, accessed by a random that you don’t even realise, all by clicking “Allow”.
Security on the internet is a very loosely used term. With the amount of people using the internet increasing significantly each year, safety is becoming overlooked. As Rosie’s New Media Reflections blog speaks about safety on the internet, she highlights the risks of cyber bullying.

That also links to Hamelink (2006) questions “Can the choice of a fictive personality (“persona”) do harm to other users and how well should one protect one’s privacy?” It all comes down to your own choice; however tools like Facebook Places invade our privacy to a whole new level. We need to remember that the internet never forgets, so what’s put on it will last forever.

People forget the lack of security on the internet due to feeling comfortable in their surroundings when online, which can result in your privacy being invaded. If you are not aware and careful of this, it can result in a dangerous situation.

Hamelink, C. (2006). The Ethics of the Internet: Can we cope with Lies and Deceit on the Net? In Ideologies of the Internet, K. Sarikakis & Daya Thussu, pp. 115-130. New Jersey: Hampton Press.

Monty, C. “Is your privacy about to disappear forever?” Last modified February 21, 2009.

Rosie’s New Media Reflection. 2011. “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but online taunts will haunt you.” 27 March 2011. Accessed 28th March 2011.


  1. This post actually makes me want to go through my friends list on Facebook and delete those people I never meet, never talk to or even barely know..Great job!

  2. Yes Janicke, it is so easy to just straight away press accept because we think Facebook is harmless but really we must be so careful!
